Carlos Slim Helu
Hello Friends.Here is a list of top 10 richest people in all over world. This is latest list of richest persons in the world. The wealthiest person in the world is Carlos Slim Helu & family. He is from Mexico. In the list of top 10 richest people four richest persons from America. Two from India. One From Mexico, France, Spain and Brazil.

List of Top 10 Richest People in The World

1. Carlos Slim Helu
Carlos Slim Helu

Born: 28th January 1940

Age: 71

Source: Telecom

Nationality: Mexican

Net Worth: $63.3 billion

Source: Telecom.

Official Website:-

2. Bill Gates

Bill Gates

Born: 28th October 1955

Age: 56

Nationality: American

Net Worth: $59 billion

Source: Microsoft, Self-Made.

Official Website:-

3. Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett

Born: 30th August 1930

Age: 81

Nationality: American

Net Worth: $50 billion

Source: Berkshire Hathaway, Self-made.

4. Bernard Arnault

Bernard Arnault

Born: 5th March 1949

Age: 62

Nationality: French

Net Worth: $41 billion

Source: LVMH, Inherited and Growing.

Official Website:-

5. Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison

Born: 17th August 1944

Age: 67

Nationality: American

Net Worth: $33 billion

Source: Oracle, Self-made.

Official Website:-

6. Lakshmi Mittal
Lakshmi Mittal

Born: 15th June 1950

Age: 61

Nationality: Indian

Net Worth: $31.1 billion

Source: Steel, Inherited and Growing.

7. Amancio Ortega
Amancio Ortega

Born: 28th March 1936

Age: 75

Nationality: Spanish

Net Worth: $31 billion

Source: Zara, Self-made.

8. Eike Batista

Eike Batista

Born: 3rd November 1956

Age: 55

Nationality: Brazil

Net Worth: $30 billion

Source: Mining, Oil, Self-made.

9. Mukesh Ambani

Mukesh Ambani

Born: 19th April 1957

Age: 54

Nationality: Indian

Net Worth: $27 billion

Source: Petrochemicals, Oil & Gas, Inherited and Growing.

Official Website:-

10. Christy Walton & Family

Christy Walton & Family

Born: 1955

Age: 57

Net Worth: $26.5 billion

Nationality: American

Source: Walmart, inherited.

This list of richest people in the world prepare by analyzing Forbes list of billionaires.

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