Hosting is an essential term for those who are owner of some websites especially any kind of Dynamic website which have database and need to be stored somewhere on the internet. Well Hosting is a networking term which means the storing of any website or a blog or scripts,modules, software,database or anything else which is needed to be stored somewhere on the internet to be live on the internet. For instance  you have
developed a dynamic website using any programming language such as ASP.Net or PHP etc. than you would need to upload it to somewhere to make it live so that everyone can see that website through visiting your domain name. So hosting does the same work. it means a web space which is provided to individuals who need it to store their websites or any kind of data. 

Hosting companies makes it easy for all these individuals and charge the specific amount of money according  to the plan that user select, Hosting companies simply acquire a server from various data centers and than stores the each and every user's data on that server and charge the suitable amount. Usually that amount really sucks when you are just a beginner and not having lots of amount to be spent on these hosting companies. So here i am here to help all my friends who want Free web hosting websites where they can upload their blog or any kind of data absolutely free of cost.

Here i am providing you the Top 10 Web Hosting Websites which offers absolutely free web hosting to you for all your needs, Below is the list and features of every free web hosting website they provide :-

  • (PHP, MySQL, WordPress, Joomla, Free domain, No ads)
  • (Website & Blog builder, Photo album, Free domain)
  • (PHP, MySQL, 1-click Scripts, No Ads, Free subdomain)
  • (Easy Flash website builder + mobile sites, blogs, etc.)
  • (PHP, MySQL, PHPbb, SMF, Wiki, Free subdomain)
  • (Visual website builder, add videos, photos, shopping cart)
  • (Easy site builder, blog, forms, polls, Free subdomain)
All above websites provides absolutely free hosting packages which are really attractive and efficient for the beginners. Also they provides paid packages also which are really cheap in rates. So why don't you try them. If you have any kind of question regarding this post or have anything to share than simply comment below. Waiting for your kind response. Thanks. :)

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