Know How Your Website Can Be Destroyed/Crashed With Ddos Attack Hello Friends.Today i am going to tell you very impressive and amazing tutorial about the Destroying and Crashing any website or any server very easily with the help of Ddos Attack. 
First I am going to tell you the Introduction of what we are going to do. I know there are many more ways to do this type of hack and Ddos attacks. But let me figure out some most used Ddos attacks to make you aware of all these types so that you may get rid of this painful situation and
save your online business and websites being ruined by your enemies. So just pay attention on all the steps and stay aware of all these. Now take a look what i am going to share with all of you and kindly tell me if i make any kind of mistake below. 

Introduction Of Ddos :-

Denial of Service attacks(or Distributed Denial of Service attacks[DDoS]) is a form of organized attacks with the goal of taking down a server by overloading it. Often with useless information(packets) being sent to the server in massive amounts.
To understand it better I am giving you a sample Attack. Well keep in mind that this attack is not a real attack it is just a sample to make all of you clear that how this attack works.
Sample :-

With This sample we will Take down Your own computer :-

To do this sample Just follow the following steps :-

Step 1 :-
open the Notepad and write the following command 

goto a

Step 2 :- 
Just copy the above 3 lines and paste it into your notepad and save it with sample attack .bat extension (Make sure you select the "All Files" option while saving this.

Step 3 :-
Now just double click on the saved file. But do not forget to save all your work before make it run. As it will crash and hang even the best computers.

So what did you learned with this.??

Well you can observe that how that file rapidly replicates itself and opening the infinite commands one after another.

In above sample a simple infinite loop has been created that has filled the computer's RAM with useless,infinite and massive amount of commands.

The Ddos attacks works in the same way.except instead of replicating an infinite number of Commands, they send information(packets) to the server over and over and over again until the server crashes.

Now I am going to tell you the real Ddos attack for the crashing & Destroying the Servers :-

Well Ddos attacks can be performed using the various methods. I am going to tell you the 2 most common & easiest methods here :-

1 :- Ddos Attack By Ping Flood :-

Ddos Attack By Ping FloodThis is most common and easiest Ddos attack this can be done by anyone as follows :-

Step 1 :- 
PING Command is used for this. For instance First open the command prompt and then type the following line of code in it :-


Step 2 :-
Now in the above code put the IP address of your victim's website of server and then Press enter & then just wait and watch your victim's server gets pinged again and again until the server crashes.

Commands which are used in this are explained below :-

ping - tells the computer to ping a server
-t - It will continue to ping the server until the command is closed, or stopped.
-a - Resolves the address to host names.
-l - Size.

By default the ping will send 32 bytes of data to the server, so you must change this to a bigger number. The maximum is 65,500 bytes, so that is what we used.

If you send a server any number higher than 65,500 bytes it will instantly crash. This is called "Ping of Death".

That's it. This is the overall attack of Ddos  by Ping Flood.

2 :- Ddos Attack By Reloading :-

This is the simplest attack of Ddos. Yes the reloading the page can make the server down if done sufficient times. 

For this type of Ddos attack you just have to keep reloading the page until the server gets down.

well for this kind of attack various types of add-on, tools and utilities are available which provides and helps in reloading the page automatically after the particular time period. You can search for such utilities on Google very easily as they are totally free to download. so stay aware of this and try to find solution for this kind of attack as soon as possible.

3: Ddos Attack By LOIC (Low Orbit Ion Cannon) :-

LOIC (Low Orbit Ion Cannon) is an application, written in C# and developed by praetox, that was used by Anonymous during Project Chanology. It attempts to DoS the target site by using all its bandwidth, sending TCP, UDP, or HTTP requests to the server until it crashes.

Well If you face any kind of problem related to this article or if you have any confusion related to the security measures for your site then freely ask me by commenting below. Waiting for your kind response. Thanks.
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