Use Pen Drive As RAM & Boost Computer speed
RAM that means Random Access Memory plays a very important role in overall functionality of your computer system.It is not possible to Run any computer if RAM does not exist in your system. RAM is a memory which stores all your data and process temporarily as soon as your computer is switched on and loses all its data once computer is turned off.

That is why experts recommends that there should be a RAM of high amount of memory so that it can handle all your data and processes smoothly and not affect your system speed. Well but many people have been using the old computers whose RAM is not upgraded and that's why they face the problem of slower speed and computer hang.

Well the perfect solution for this problem is to replace or upgrade your PC RAM in order to achieve maximum performance from your PC. But for those who are not willing to upgrade it there is a very nice alternative for this, So just take a look as i have categorized this article for both XP users as well as Windows 7 / Windows 8 users.


if you are using windows XP then you need to install a small utility and that is Eboostr. you can see below screenshot :-

Use Pen Drive As RAM & Boost Computer speed (eBoostr)

It speeds up your PC and improves application responsiveness by using flash memory and free RAM as an extra layer of performance-boosting cache for your PC. Use up to four inexpensive flash devices to speed up your system. Add more speed to your PC without any hardware upgrade!

Features :-
*Memory caching (if you have plenty of RAM installed);
*Exclude list (the most requested feature);
*Power saving mode;
*More than 4GB cache file size (on NTFS file system only);
*One flash drive use on different computers;
*Unlimited number of files in cache;
*Build cache process improvement (including initial statistics used from XP prefetch information);
*Load balancing mechanism improvements;
*And many small fixes and enhancements;

You can download it from here :-

Download Free


If you are using Windows 7 or 8 then  you don't need to download any software as Microsoft has officially provided the inbuilt utility for using PEN DRIVE as RAM. Follow the below simple steps to Use Pen Drive As RAM.

Step 1 :-

All you need to do is to connect your PEN Drive to your computer and as soon as it detect its drive just right click on it and select PROPERTIES.

Step 2 :-

Now select READY BOOST tab it will look like below image :-

Use Pen Drive As RAM & Boost Computer speed

Step 3 :- Now just select the amount of memory you want to allocate and see the immediate effect in your PC Speed. After allocating the desired amount of memory just click on Apply and then Ok That's it.
I hope this will help you and you will get rid of irritating slower PC performance. Well if you face any kind of problem then comment below with your query. Also don't forget to like and share it you like this. :)
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